Inland Empire cosmetic surgeon and ABCS member Dr. Jacob Haiavy’s new state-of-the-art JCAHO accredited surgical facility in Rancho Cucamonga, California was mentioned in an LA Daily News article titled “Being over 50, she was ready for her ‘close-up’” on May 5, 2011.

A few months ago I marched into my doctor’s office and uttered words that surprised even me: “I’m over 50 and I want my colonoscopy.”…Instead of a hospital I had my procedure done at the Surgical Arts of the Inland Empire, a surgery center specializing in cosmetic surgery.

Surgical Arts of the Inland Empire opened in 2010, featuring a wide variety of services for Inland Empire area patients including weight loss surgerycosmetic foot surgerycosmetic gynecology, vascular surgery, gastroenterology, orthopedic surgery, general surgery, and Dr. Haiavy’s specialty, cosmetic surgery.

Inland Empire area surgeons of all specialties are welcome to operate at this stunning new facility and can contact Dr. Haiavy for more information about participating in the practice.

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Bunion is the name for that ugly, bony bump residing at the base of your big toe. The enlargement is composed of both the bone from the joint where the big and second toe meet, as well as tissue from the swollen bursal sac that surrounds the joint.

Bunions occur when the big toe is constantly pressed up against the other toes, forcing the big toe into an unnatural, uncomfortable angle. Over time, the joint is compromised and begins to stick out as a testament to the abuse it has suffered.

For those who engage in a repetitive sport like running, bunions can be especially painful. Each foot strike puts pressure on the weak metatarsophalangeal joint and the sensitive surrounding tissues. Because bunions occur when foot alignment or structure is off, the location is also vulnerable to additional friction and press from running shoes.

Some runners with bunions have no symptoms, but many end up having to cut their training short, or even stop running completely.

Many runners develop them because they overpronate or wear ill-fitting shoes, but the most common cause is inheritance of foot structures susceptible to bunions. Either way, those with bunions need to learn to rehabilitate their feet with a few simple steps if they hope to continue running pain-free.

Common Causes of Bunions in Runners

  • Ill-fitting shoes
  • Overpronation or other mechanical deficiencies
  • Previous foot injuries
  • Congenital deformities

Inflammatory or degenerative forms of arthritis that undermine the cartilage surrounding the big toe joint can also lead to bunions, as can standing for long periods of time in tight, pointed shoes.


The most important measure in preventing or treating bunions is making sure that you have properly fitting running shoes. Too narrow shoes are often the culprits, so select a pair with a spacious toebox. You may also want to see a podiatrist to have your foot and ankle structure assessed. A podiatrist will be able to determine if you need orthotics, as give you more information about what type of running shoe will best suit your feet.

It can also help to place a toe separator between the big and second toe in order to create the space needed to ensure that your big toe is in proper alignment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and icing can help reduce pain and swelling.

Read about cosmetic podiatry for bunion and other conditions.

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You’ve received congratulations and compliments from your friends, family and coworkers. The gastric bypass surgery or other means of weight loss has helped you lose the large amount of weight you needed to lose, and you’re on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

The question now, you wonder, is what to do with all that extra skin?

You are not alone. Many patients who undergo major weight loss surgery are left to deal with the sagging skin. Some elect to just deal with the excess skin. Unfortunately, it never shrinks to fit your new size, but often hangs around your upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, back, thighs, neck and face as a reminder of your former appearance. Not only can it feel like your journey to weight loss is unfinished, the deep skin folds may cause rashes or hygienic problems.

In order to work move past this difficult post-weight loss phase, many patients look to body contouring procedures for removal of the excess skin. The results often boost self-esteem and confidence.

Among the many body contouring procedures specifically designed to reduce excess skin after major weight loss are:

  • Arm Lift
  • Tummy tuck
  • Breast Lift
  • Medial Thigh Lift
  • Panniculectomy
  • Lower Body Lift
  • Face or Neck Lift

The main focus during these procedures is the removal of excess skin and residual, localized fat deposits using a combination of liposuction and surgical excision. During the panniculectomy, for example, the skin and subcutaneous tissue that hangs from the abdomen like an apron is surgically removed.

An abdominoplasty can be performed in conjunction with the panniculectomy in order to reshape the abdominal muscles. Before the sutures are placed, the underlying tissues are tightened and the skin is lifted.

As with any weight loss surgery, the key to maintaining your ideal shape is committing to a healthy diet and exercise regimen. This type of “skin surgery after weight loss” may improve your outlook on life, but it’s up to you to maintain your new body shape.

Read more about body contouring after weight loss in Rancho Cucamonga.

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Phlebectomy, a low-risk high-benefit treatment for varicose veins, is most often used for larger surface veins that have become tortuous and that bulge. The procedure is highly successful and minimally invasive. Better yet, phlebectomy is an ambulatory procedure, which means patients can go home after treatment.

Phlebectomy takes place in a relaxed office setting and is conducted with local anesthesia. Your vascular surgeon will make tiny incisions as small as 1 mm or needle punctures in order to access the vein. The problem vein is then extracted through an incision using a phlebectomy hook. No stitches are used, but a compression bandage will be applied.

Phlebectomy of varicose veins has benefits such as:

  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • No stitches

Futhermore, reoccurrence rates are minimal compared to that of sclerotherapy and other varicose vein treatments because in phlebectomy, the entire varicose vein is removed.

Before treatment your vascular surgeon will examine the troubled vein(s) using ultrasound and thoroughly check your medical history to ensure that phlebectomy is the right treatment for you. Those that have venous reflux disease will need to be treated with endovenous radiofrequency, laser ablation or other procedures.

It is critical that patients continue to wear the compression bandage or support stocking per their vascular surgeon’s instructions. Though you can walk immediately after the procedure, it is a good idea to take it easy for the first day. Keep your leg elevated and rest as much as possible. You will also need to refrain from strenuous activity for about two weeks or according to your surgeon’s recommendations. Work and other daily activities can typically be resumed the next day.

Read more about varicose vein treatments

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If you are one of the millions of Americans who avoid wearing shorts, skirts or dresses because you have swollen, twisted veins visible just under the surface of the skin, then you know what it means to have unsightly veins. The culprits hampering your style may be either spider or varicose veins.

Unsightly Varicose veins

Varicose veins are most commonly found in the legs. They occur when the valves of the vein are weak or become damaged so that the blood begins to flow backward, causing fluid buildup and, ultimately, swelling. Varicose veins may bulge through the surface of the skin and can cause pain, burning, and throbbing. In other words, varicose veins are typically regarded to be thoroughly unpleasant — both cosmetically and functionally.

Varicose veins affect men and women alike, particularly those who are overweight, have fluctuating hormone levels, or those who stand or sit for long periods of time.

Unsightly Spider Veins

Spider veins are bothersome in a somewhat different way. Though they most often form in the legs like varicose veins, they do not bulge or cause pain. Instead they tend to form larger designs of red or blue clumps resembling tree branches or spider webs. The causes of spider veins correspond with those of varicose veins.

Fortunately, there are several proven treatments available for spider and varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy is the most widely used procedure today for treating unsightly varicose and spider veins. A sclerosing agent is injected into the vein, causing the walls of the vein to seal shut, and the vein to collapse. Over time, the unsightly vein turns into scar tissue.

Lifestyle changes can benefit sufferers of both spider and varicose veins. Your vascular surgeon may recommend that you maintain a healthy weight and to exercise regularly. He may also suggest that you take breaks if you have a job that requires you to stand or sit for long periods of time. Be sure to consult with your vascular surgeon to find out which changes will benefit you most.

Surface laser treatments remove the varicose or spider vein without surgery or the use of needles. In this treatment, energy from a laser passes through skin to vein, heating it so that the unsightly vein collapses.

Vein stripping is reserved for patients with severe varicose veins. In this case, the vein is surgically removed. During treatment, your vascular surgeon will thread a plastic wire in one incision at the top of the leg and out an incision made in the lower leg, removing the vein in the process.

Read more about vascular surgery and vein treatments

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